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C100DBA Exam Dumps PDF + Practice Test
Exam: C100DBA
Exam Name: MongoDB Certified DBA Associate Exam
Certification(s): Certified DBA Associate
Questions: 132 Questions Answers
Last Updated: Feb 16,2025
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You can easily download the C100DBA Questions Answers PDF file for the preparation of MongoDB Certified DBA Associate Exam and it is especially designed for MongoDB C100DBA exam and QuizDumps prepared a list of questions that would be asked in the real C100DBA exam.

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Main points of MongoDB C100DBA Test

1. MongoDB Architecture

MongoDB is a document-oriented database, which means that data is stored in JSON-like documents. Each document has a unique _id field, and documents are organized into collections.

MongoDB uses a distributed architecture, which means that data can be stored on multiple servers. This makes MongoDB scalable and fault-tolerant.

2. MongoDB CRUD Operations

The four basic CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete) can be performed on MongoDB documents using the MongoDB shell or the MongoDB driver for your programming language of choice.

3. MongoDB Querying

MongoDB provides a variety of ways to query data, including:

  • Document-level queries: These queries select documents based on their _id field or on the values of their fields.
  • Aggregation queries: These queries aggregate data from multiple documents into a single result.
  • Geospatial queries: These queries select documents based on their location.

4. MongoDB Security

MongoDB provides a variety of security features, including:

  • Authentication: This allows you to control who can access your database.
  • Authorization: This allows you to control what users can do with your data.
  • Encryption: This allows you to encrypt your data at rest and in transit.

5. MongoDB Administration

MongoDB can be administered using the MongoDB shell or the MongoDB administrative tools.

The MongoDB shell allows you to perform administrative tasks such as creating users, creating databases, and creating collections.

The MongoDB administrative tools provide a graphical user interface for performing administrative tasks.

6. MongoDB Applications

MongoDB is used in a wide variety of applications, including:

  • Web applications: MongoDB is a popular choice for storing data for web applications.
  • Mobile applications: MongoDB is a good choice for storing data for mobile applications.
  • Real-time applications: MongoDB is a good choice for storing data for real-time applications.

7. MongoDB Resources

There are a number of resources available to help you learn more about MongoDB, including:

  • The MongoDB documentation: The MongoDB documentation provides comprehensive information on MongoDB's features and functionality.
  • The MongoDB community: The MongoDB community is a great resource for learning about MongoDB and getting help with your MongoDB projects.
  • MongoDB training: There are a number of companies that offer MongoDB training.
